Monday, August 31, 2009


Its merdeka day! but for me, i still feel the same.. no sense of freedom today.. thanks to trials... my merdeka day will come on the 10th DEC.. know y? because that is when STPM ENDS! yesterday was sms-ing with a fren.. thinking what to do on that merdeka day... so i just came up with some ideas.. hehe.. anyone interested welcomed to join in... =)

after chemistry paper 1
1.flee for parade rooftop
2.prepare video cam
3.stand in one row
4.together we will shout MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! weeeeeeeeeeee...

then we will go for bowling session after that... lol.. crazy huh? another friend even suggested goin bungee.. i was like what the? where to find bungee jumping in ipoh? @_@

cut the crap... talking bout 1malaysia... i truly appreciate our country for how it is.. though it has its weaknesses, i must say that i have been blessed living in this country for 19 yrs.. one thing i just cant stand is when ppl like to say.. haiz, i want to leave this country quickly la.. australia better la, singapore better la, or wherever it is... except malaysia..

the grass on the other side always 'looks' greener

well im not saying im not like that.. i used to be though.. haha.. bt thanks to a senior of mine that helped me to see things at a broader perspective.. and i hope to share this with u all. ppl, every country has its good and bad... u think oni malaysia gives a certain race special treatment? wait til u go to australia.. its human nature not to appreciate what they have til they lose it.. how pathetic aint it?

have u all ever thought y u were born in malaysia? of all places malaysia? y nt in africa or america or in the slums of mumbai? think.. what if u are now like the ppl in india suffering of poverty instead of nw living so comfortably in ur house.. onlining reading this post of mine.. lol...

for those that have set their minds to NEVER to return to malaysia after furthering their studies overseas.. i hope u think twice..

i believe the reason y we were born in this country is that we are to make a difference in this society.. u may say, aiya, 1 fellow oni ma.. what can i do? well, if everyone thinks like this.. no wonder malaysia is like that... ppl always think of the easy way out... go overseas better la.. there nt so much trouble.. well if u want easy life.. then do something so that the future generations wont have to go through what we are going through.. ppl embrace what we have now and stop complaining.. u want malaysia to improve? do something about it then..

well, not gonna go on any further.. gotta study for trials! lol.. anyway happy independence day Malaysia! hope to see this 1 malaysia come to reality.. bt be warned.. before unity comes.. there will always be chaos.. dont believe me? wait and see.. in fact its already happening...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jesus my Healer

thank God today im feeling much much better... yesterday and tuesday was terrible... didnt feel well but dunno y.. i think i ate the wrong thing.. must be that tit pan mee..

yesterday was calling out to god.. really beh tahan liao... somore after tuition, had some serious headache.. throat didnt feel well either.. bt at night after i vomited once.. whole body felt like normal? then my throat fell ok too... maybe the unclean food gt stucked at my throat? @_@

whatever it may be.. just wanna thank god for being my healer.. =) weeeeeeee nw i can continue with my studies.. past 2 days really struggled to study..

yea and yesterday in tuition.. i was like.. wtf?? my tuition teacher had such good impression on me.. he personally came up to me and gave me an address for applying scholarships.. @_@ man i didnt know that i was that 'good' then later on oni he asked who wanted.. well in a way its good.. since he has such high hopes on me.. i dont wanna disappoint him! hehe.. i'll just take it as a motivation to do well.. =)

well, for those really good students i think u ppl deserve this... bt one condition.. ur english has to be good.. it nt no chance.. lol.. if u think u have what it takes.. apply here.. all the best!

last bt nt least.. wanna share this song with u all..

Monday, August 24, 2009

STPM time table..

ppl STPM time table is out! download it here

starts on the 18th NOV ends on 10th DEC


have not been updating for a few days... pretty busy with studies lately... trials just a week more to go.. anyway.. today 15 malaysia released another video - House.. its a touching and sad story... sometimes hw rich ppl can bully the poor for their own benefit or interest... i dont quite get the ending though.. anyone care to enlighten me? =)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

yasmin ahmad- chocolate

one thing about yasmin ahmad that i really like is that her films or short clips or even advertisements.. leaves spectators with a deep thought... instead of the usual action movies that most ppl like.. i just love the way she potray her msg... simple yet deep... it just reflects the person within her.. enjoy this short clip! just released today...

watch short clips by other directors click here

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SJK (c) Sam Tet 75th anniversary dinnner

just some random photos i took that day... was actually taking videos most of the time... XD gt a free meal that nite.. weeee.. didnt stay through the whole time though.. we did some crazy stuff.. 1 table we ate the food for 4 tables... thanks to the empty tables.. so we decided nt to waste food.. =)

proud of my school brass band team!
1st time in history they gt 2nd place in the national level!
plus best drum major! good job guys!

cute dance by the primary school students


1st dish of the nite

2nd dish - 'shark fin soup'

foreign minister. forgot what name.. XD

guang liang's video
to support the school...
sam tet rocks!
for ur info ppl... guang liang is from sam tet! wakakaka.. pure sam tet breed.. he studied in sam tet primary and secondary school.. =)

gnome's 4x4 rubix cube
cant believe he paid rm90 for this.. @_@

Friday, August 14, 2009

we are the stars

tribute to u6b1.. this is our graduation song for the song writing competition... i dunno if we will win or not.. actually seldom do i feel so not confident.. it doesnt matter.. i hope all u6b1s... when u guys or gals feel discouraged or down... always remember the things we've been through..

i guess getting to know that we won the essay contest this week is a good reminder that miracles can happen... let this miracle continue even in our coming trials! all the best and work hard.. lets beat the ass out of u6F1.. yeeeeha!

we are the stars!

credits to
lyrics: gavin loo
composer: ming sheng
guitarist: ming sheng
drummer: say lin
flute: pui yi
keyboard: zi xun
piano: keo lee
lead singers & choir: all B1 students except pei han.. =)

we're all stars and we shine in our own various ways! weeeeeeeeeeee...

p.s. : sry alex forgot bout u.. and to those that offered advice and help.. thanks alot! eugene, may jet, samuel and alex

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Give us clean hands

earlier on.. read about tam's post on miley cyrus.. i do get her point.. bt i dunno y i just choose nt to look at that bad side of hers.. mayb i like her song too much.. @_@ the climb.. well we dunno whether or not is she gonna be like the other disney made stars like britney spears, vanessa hudgens etc..

but one thing that struck me just nw is to realise how easy is it to be influence by the society.. if u look even at britney spears.. she was once such a good and decent singer until she venture into the big sea of hollywood where she couldnt hold on to her standards and gave in to the standards of hollywood.. the other day my pa teacher mentioned bout how u can really fall into temptation without u intending to do so... i guess the likes of britney spears and so on did not plan for their career to be like that when they were younger?

i just had the prompting to post this song.. that this generation of young ppl including me will be strong in the Lord that as we bcome future key figures in society.. i truly pray that we wont compromise our values and be a shining light for the Lord.. hope this song speaks to u all too to have the desire to work towards being like Jesus.. ppl tend to look up to leaders and i was reminded of the need to set a good example...

enjoy the song! give us clean hands by chris tomlin..


just felt like uploading some photos.. later on will update on the graduation song and DML
was busy with leading the song so didnt take much pictures... lol.. not that clear though the pictures due to pictures taken by video cam.. lol..

boys vs girls!

acting cool

we are the stars!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jesus my strength!

just wanna thank god for the beautiful worship today... just felt that god was pleased with todays worship.. =) good job team! nice serving together...

recently, i have been having this really special encounter, well at least to me its special.. that each time i come across a new christian song that i felt is nice.. somehow god allows me to go through a certain situation to be able to really understand the song, that when i sing it i sing with heart that is truly being ministered... well i guess that is what god is teaching me about worship leading? to be ministered then to minister... it is when i have tasted of gods goodness then it comes out in the worship..

this week the song was walau seribu rebah.. really like the chinese version... in the chorus it says..


to have the assurance that god is always there by my side.. and the peace that surpasses all understanding is something no man can give... really went through a tough week.. and sometimes i really feel im standing alone.. but in the song it says even when the mountains tremble and a thousand fall i will stand with u my jesus take my all.. thank you god for the breakthrough this week.. looking forward to more exciting challenges with jesus... XD

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3rd service worship 9/8

hey team this weeks worship songs are
1. god is the strength of my heart
Don Moen - A key
listen to the song click here
chords click here

2. Refuge
City Harvest Churh - D key
listen to the song click here
chords click here

3. amazing grace ( my chains are gone )
Chris Tomlin - D key
listen to the song click here
chords click here

4. walau seribu rebah (enligsh) new song
true worshippers - G key
listen to the song click here or here
chords click here

all the chords are from guitar4christ website.. so those that dont have a acc plz register.. its free and wont take u more than 5 min to register... plus its a website that u can find chords easily.. =) to change the key to the one written above.. just press on the right hand side corner view key in ...

the theme for this weeks worship is to be reminded of who God is... so guys and gals.. do prepare urself to serve... lets be reminded of the grace of God and to some of us He may be our refuge, shelter.. to others He may b ur provider, etc...

practice as though it is ur 1st time,
serve as though it is ur last time.

the sequence goes like this.. 1st song start of with chorus.. at the end we will slow down, repeat chorus.. then piano comes in immediatly with intro of REFUGE, there will an instrumental part. when this song ends... i'll come in with amazing grace chorus tog with guitar... this song will be our focus... then the next song walau seribu rebah, actually speaks about the assurance we have in God... that we'll try to follow as in the song... so cya guys on sat..

time : 1-3pm
backup: yen fong, rena
drums: eugene
Guitar: ming sheng, Bass: samuel
keyboardist: jian ai

guys plz comfirm by leaving a comment..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

carry the cross and follow Him!

got this from an email... some of u may have read it.. but let this be a reminder... some times the easy way out may just lead u to a dead end...

whatever u cross, whatever u pain,
there will always be sunshine

after the rain,
perhaps u may stumble, perhaps even fall

but God is always ready
to answer your call

he knows every heartache, sees every tear
a word from His lips

can calm every fear,
your sorrows may linger, throughout the night

but suddenly vanish, in dawns early light
the saviour is waiting, at the doorstep of your heart

to give you His grace, and send you His love
whatever your cross, whatever your pain

God always sends a rainbow after the rain

to get out of difficulty, one must usually go through it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

thats what friends are for

i believe everyone has a different definition of frenz... bt to me.. frenz are meant to be transparent to each other... not totally bt importantly is being real to each other... and the beautiful thing about friendship is they dont judge each other but correct each other and help one another to grow... actually yesterday was really pissed with a friend... was really hurt and wanted to say some not so pleasant words.. but thank god before that i read this passage and immediatly there was a chance to apply it...

From a wise mind comes wise speech
the words of the wise are persuasive
kind words are like honey
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body
proverbs 16: 20-21

in fact i actually typed a post containing all the negative stuff.. thank god i didnt post it and in the end deleted it... today i just kindly send an email to this friend... while typing the email i was just reminded by god that we are all not perfect... and frenz are there to build each other... i just pray this graduation song is an open door for stronger friendship...

i was listening to a song yesterday and again stopped upon a beautiful song.. just thought of sharing with u fellows.... and also to thank all my frenz... whether u have been good or bad influence.. for coming into my life... XD this is a classic song and i find the lyrics very meaningful... may this song bless u all!

p.s. : stevie wonder is just amazing... so talented!

thats what friends are for
verse 1
And I
Never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today
And than if you can't remember.....

Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'

Knowin' you can always count on me
for sure
that's what friends are for

In good times
And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Verse 2
Well you came and open me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you....

Ohhh and then
For the times when we're apart
Well just close your eyes and know
These words are comming from my heart
And then if you can't remember....Ohhhhh