Sunday, December 20, 2009


hey ppl.. im back! woohoo.. just cam back from a youth camp.. many things i wanna share about.. just gonna start with the 1st night worship..

well to some, this may sound abit crazy or foreign or like wtf?? but i'm gonna share anyway.. =)

i was leading worship for the 1st nite.. there was great spiritual warfare..

1 - jusiongs electric guitar string broke during the 1st song itself.

2 - kevins drum chair broke.. he was literally half sitting half standing the whole worship session while playing drums.

3 - my guitar string broke..

4- i dropped my pick when we were about to build up in a song..

5 - my mike suddenly no sound.. @_@

nevertheless GOd is gracious and merciful.. His presence overwhelmed and covered all the problems.. the worship that time nite turn out great! all glory to god..


have nt said this phrase for a long time.. its coming back.. thats all for nw..

Friday, December 11, 2009


friends out there.. i have open a facebook acc...
everyone is like

finally u got a fb! zzzz.. anyway i'm newb to this.. so do add me ppl.. =) my link is at the right side of the page if not email is ^^

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It is done


i can totally smell FREEDOM! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Youth Camp- 1st session worship

well thats not exactly whats gonna happen in the camp.. but we are awaiting a spiritual makeover!

Hey team glad to be able to serve together.. so itchy to play the guitar and sing.. has been ages since 3rd service closed down for 3 months..

team, PLEASE take time to read what i have prepared.. instead needing me to repeat on saturdays practice.. and also listen to the songs.. i know some of u know the songs, there is a reason y i put the link there.. =) so please go listen to it..

anyway, theme for this 1st worship session :

this time gonna start with worship song instead of praise song.. i felt god wanted to break the barrier in the ppls heart.. including ours..

before any change can come, all pride must be laid down, all selfish desires have to be put aside.. and all glory be to god.. and it is only by the love of god that a change for the better can happen... lets pray that this worship can open the way for gods work to be done in this camp.. =)

here is the sequence and arrangement of songs..

1 You are the peace that guards my heart
Key : G raise key-A

for this song, we will only sing the chorus... there will be a instrumental part for this song, then when come back in to chorus. raise to A key

chords click here

2 Dalamnya Kasihmu Bapa - true worshippers
Key : A

come in straight from 1st song.. not confirm whether starting from verse or joint chorus.. grace plz learn up the intro.. =) we're singing in bm..

song click here
chords click here

3 I could sing of Your love forever
Key : E

i'm sure we're all familiar with this song..

4 Nothing is impossible - planet shakers
Key : E

i'll start off as in the song..

Nothing is impossible

chords click here

practice : saturday 1-3pm
guitar : ming sheng
e. guitar : ju siong
b. guitar : esmond
drums : kevin
keyboard : grace
backup singer : rena

PLEASE be PUNCTUAL as we will only have ONE practice..

p.s. register for a free account at guitar4christ... all chords are taken from there.. anything u felt like sharing.. do leave a comment..

2! thats it!

hey ppl.. lost touch for quite awhile.. has been 2 weeks since i last update... thats the longest period so far.. @_@ anyway i'm now down to

papers oni!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! which is today and tomorrow.. =))))

didnt plan to blog until after exam but had something else to do.. which u will know y i blog in my later post..