Sunday, November 22, 2009

Have faith and ASK!

people in ipoh u must have realised that the weather has been really good this few days.. perfect for sleeping, studying, eating, playing.. anything!

THank god for answering my prayer for good weather..
the place i sit in the exam hall is like freaking hot and stuffy...
since thursday, 1st day of exam.. til today..
the weather has been excellent..
not too cold, not too hot..
just nice with optimum air movement..
may this continue til the last day of exam.. =)


moral of the story :
ASk and it will be given.. no harm asking right? XD

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let the Battle begin!

The battle will be starting tomorrow for all SPM and STPM students... prepared or not prepared.. armed or unarmed.. this few weeks will be crucial...

for me it has been an amazing journey through form 6.. in the end is not really how well u do in the test.. rather has the journey built u to be a better person to face the world in future... definitely, i see myself grown alot, although til now i still dont quite like form 6.. due to my lazy nature.. it is undeniable that the lessons i learned is priceless.. i would not trade it to study in college.. =)

anyway all the best to all SPM and STPM students.. may god bless u all! stay cool ppl.. panicking wont take u anywhere..

wont be updating my blog any sooner i guess.. so if u do pray.. please keep me in your prayers.. =) 1st paper is on THURSDAY 19/11 BIO paper 2.. pray that i can memorise all important facts..

i actually picked up a game in the recent weeks.. lol.. sort of a mini game by POP cap.. just wanna share this song with u all.. i think its really cute and creative!

PLANTS VS ZOMBIE- you should try it..

til then... chaoz..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

MUET Round 2

took my MUET test today.. everything went pretty well.. hope i dont screw my essay this time.. if so, i'll be able to get my band 5.. =) well of cuz gavin is hoping i get band 6 so that he can get his meal.. lol.. all is done and in the hands of God..

now i can dengan 'lega hati' attend magazine editorial board farewell tonite at MP! weeeeeee.. which is moven peak.. thanks ms. tan for taking the effort to give us a nice farewell! cant wait to go.. will update on it later on... wakkakkakaa..